Although not for every prospective buyer, vehicle leasing can offer certain advantages and be an very attractive alternative to a traditional purchase. You must consider a few important factors and make sure a lease would be beneficial to you. What are the advantages?
Lower Monthly Payments
Because you only pay for the portion of the car or truck that you actually use, (the "depreciation"), your monthly payments are 30%-60% lower than for a purchase loan for the same car and same term.
More Car, More Often
Since your monthly payments are lower, you can obtain more car for the same money and drive a new vehicle every two to four years, depending on the term length you choose.
Less Maintenance Hassles
Most people like to lease for a term that coincides with the length of the manufacturer's warranty coverage so that if something goes wrong with the car, the repairs are always automatically covered. You may also be able to purchase prepaid maintenance plans at a significant savings which cover all planned maintenance such as oil changes, etc.